Here's a little-known secret about why I am a vegetarian: I am lazy.
I grew up picking the meat out of various dishes - spaghetti sauce, beef stew, hamburgers. I have just never enjoyed the taste or texture of any kind of meat. But there comes a point where you can't be bothered to try to pick shards of chicken out of your chicken noodle soup, so you just eat it.
Thus, I was a half-assed vegetarian for most of my life, until I discovered that if you use the magic word - "vegetarian", people suddenly do all the work for you!
Special meals are delivered to your table at weddings, friends and family prepare separate dishes just for you, all in the name of vegetarianism. I wish I had known sooner.
In all seriousness, I did give it a lot of thought, especially after reading one of David Suzuki's books where he said if everyone gave up meat one day a week, it would solve the world's hunger problems. I'm paraphrasing his words, but it made a big impression on me. If I gave up meat EVERY day of the week, I would be doing that much more to help the world. Of course, giving up something I didn't like anyway was pretty easy.
It can be a little difficult sometimes when eating at a restaurant - many simply do not offer any kind of meat-free options. This is one of the reasons why I instantly loved the Jet Cafe - they will de-meatify anything. I've had the Smoked Salmon Eggs Benny sans salmon, and the Steak & Egg Crepe sans steak. My Jet mcmuffin is always ham-less. Still mega delicious, and even more nutritious!
Meat is good for you. Eat it.